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Contained KAP Programs

A school of jellyfish on a deep blue background


2 KAP Journeys

A shallow pond with water gently rippling over it

The Pond program is intended to offer those curious to see if Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is a good fit for them an opportunity to 'dip a toe in'.


There will be a preparation session prior to two separate journeys where I will be in full attendance and present with you throughout. These will both be followed by integration sessions.


4 KAP Journeys

A lake with the opposite shore visible, it and the sky reflected in the water

For those who already know that they are familiar with non-ordinary states of consciousness, and would like to explore further.


Perhaps those people who have a desire to dig a little deeper in areas where they are stuck, and who may be seeking more by way of a sustained engagement.


Clients will engage in four separate journeys over about a two or three month period giving time to integrate some of the material as they explore their own consciousness, bringing useful insights to the surface.


6 KAP Journeys

A view of a calm ocean with the sun high overhead

Deepening your connection to the Self through six KAP journeys is an opportunity to  provide yourself with a depth of psychedelic exploration that can provide insight, healing and growth along with a sustained period of integration.

The Ocean is for individuals who have a genuine desire and intent to know themselves deeply and are willing to invest in a sustained effort over a period of multiple months.


I will be fully present with you for each journey and provide supportive integration sessions throughout this several month long exploration. 

What is a KAP Journey?

Prepare, Experience, Integrate.


Preparation is an essential part of the process. For us to meet and connect prior to embarking is important. We'll discuss your hopes and goals, provide information, and build an alliance for our work together. My intention is to be as supportive as I can be for you and your journey.

Ketamine Session

I will be present throughout for the duration of your journey.


You will be in a comfortable and safe space where I will play music specially curated to provide a gentle support to your journey. Personal eye shades will be a offered to enable a deeper experience with less external distractions. All your needs for this experience have been considered so you can fully relax and journey.


Integration is key to all psychedelic journeys to help anchor any insights and bring whatever was gleaned into concrete reality.


Processing and externally symbolizing through journaling, drawing and other means can be a solid way of grounding oneself and working more fully with the material from the journey itself. I will be an ally in this endeavor and help facilitate this process with you.

Meet Hugh 

Limited Licensed Psychologist, MA, LLP

Hugh Ransley Limited Licensed Psychologist, MA, LLP

Being authentic is important to me. Holding space for you with acceptance and compassion to enable and empower you is important to me.


Collaborating with you, on your journey of healing is important to me, and it is an honor to be of service to another human being.

The Treatment Space

Welcome to My Home

Hugh's home healing space with mats laid out for a ketamine assisted group session with an altar in the background
Hugh's home healing space with mats laid out for a ketamine assisted group session

Client Testimonial

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy with Hugh Ransley was an important complement to my other, more traditional, therapy.  Hugh created a safe and supportive space to release myself to the experience of the medicine and was constantly present to assist during the experience, and also available before and after the experience to prepare and process. The therapeutic benefits that I experienced include more empathy for myself and others, improved relationships with my parents and loved ones, enhanced feelings of love and forgiveness, and more clarity about what is important in my life.  The medicine itself has an interesting effect of giving you some separation from your ego and your body, creating an opportunity for self-reflection and learning, and also intention setting. My specific experience was in a small group setting, and while the ketamine experiences were largely individual while under the influence of the medicine, it was valuable to have other people to connect with and collaboratively process what we were experiencing.  Hugh was very good at creating a productive space for both individual and group learning.  I now view ketamine assisted psychotherapy as a useful modality for maintaining good mental health and a positive self image, especially when used with more traditional "talk therapy".

~ A Satisfied KAP Group Session Client

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