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Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
in Ann Arbor, MI

A psychadelic assortment of multi-colored glass with textures similar to seashells

I offer Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) in Ann Arbor as a licensed psychotherapist with specialized training from a leader in the field, Polaris Insight.


Ketamine is a safe medicine which is helpful to enable a person to enter into a non-ordinary state of consciousness (NOSC), where the person can experience another perspective other than their typical way of seeing. In terms of therapeutic benefit, this can provide insight and healing.

Contained Programs

For Established or Referred Clients

A school of jellyfish on a deep blue background

Having studied with one of the leading trainers in this growing field, Polaris Insight who are based in San Francisco, I decided to offer KAP to people in the local area.

  • Pond (2 KAP Journeys)

  • Lake (4 KAP Journeys)

  • Ocean (6 KAP Journeys)

A KAP journey is an experience where you will create a time for yourself, usually about 3 hours, to lie down with eye shades on and go inwards with the aid of the medicine. Leaving the day to day concerns behind you will be able to access a different state, a perspective not always available during our daily life.

I will be present, sitting beside you on your journey. The music will be specially curated by me for your experience.

It is possible to set an intention for the experience, but not necessary, as we can trust that what needs to emerge, will.

We will process whatever arises in the session and in subsequent integration sessions as we proceed. 

Integrated 1:1 Therapy

For Established and New Clients

A single purple jellyfish on a dark background

In my practice, I sometimes provide KAP to current clients with whom I have an established psychotherapeutic relationship. This, in my view, is an excellent way to engage in KAP as the psychotherapeutic relationship is already solid and trusted, enabling more relaxation.


The degree to which KAP is an effective healing modality can be deeply impacted by the trust already established in our ongoing therapeutic relationship, a part of the 'set and setting'.


Over a 3-6 month period, typically a client and I would complete up to 6 KAP sessions as an adjunct to a weekly psychotherapy session.


We weave the preparation sessions and integration sessions into our regular work together.


New clients interested in KAP will need to have psychotherapeutic evaluation meetings before I will consider whether KAP is an appropriate modality. 


KAP may not be a good fit for everyone.


For Established Clients

A group of three jellyfish on an orange background

Group KAP sessions can be a more affordable way of accessing healing through use of KAP; this was the original reason I began offering group KAP, to expand access.


Since that time, it has become clear that the group experience is more than providing affordable access. 


Group work is helpful in facilitating the healing process and members find support in being in the group. Friendly and supportive relationships which deepen the work and also exist outside of the sessions have emerged!


I'm delighted that the development of community emerged through KAP groups, and hope that this is a regular, though not necessary, feature. Small groups of four people will be the maximum number. In order to join a group, a person must have completed at least one individual KAP session with me.

Groups are limited, and so it is not always possible to join.

Meet Hugh Ransley

Limited Licensed Psychologist, MA, LLP

Hugh Ransley Limited Licensed Psychologist, MA, LLP

Being authentic is important to me. Holding space for you with acceptance and compassion to enable and empower you is important to me.


Collaborating with you, on your journey of healing is important to me, and it is an honor to be of service to another human being.

The KAP Treatment Space

Welcome to My Home

Hugh's home healing space with mats laid out for a ketamine assisted group session with an altar in the background
Hugh's home healing space with mats laid out for a ketamine assisted group session

In Brief - Ketamine

Ketamine is an extremely safe medicine with many applications. It was designed as an anesthetic and is commonly used in medical settings. Ketamine has been shown to provide insight and healing that can relieve symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, relationship dynamics, phase of life concerns, existential questions and more. 

Ketamine as a medicine has many benefits. 

  • Works rapidly 

  • Is effective for approximately 70% of people

  • Is safe to use with most medications.

I work in collaboration with a medical doctor who completes a simple medical evaluation and prescribes the medicine as needed in the form of sublingual troches. Sublingual troches are lozenges, easy to absorb under the tongue.

“KAP's effectiveness lies in several factors. Depending upon dose, ketamine promotes a time-out from ordinary, usual mind, relief from negativity, and an openness to the expansiveness of mind with access to self in the larger sense. These effects enhance a patient’s ability to engage in meaningful psychotherapy during and after administration.”

Source: Turnipseed et al., 2018

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic that has been FDA approved since 1970. It is often used to aid in surgery, and more recently Ketamine, at much lower doses, has been successfully used in psychotherapeutic clinical work with people. When taken as prescribed by a doctor and in a therapeutic setting Ketamine can be a safe and helpful tool for those experiencing depression, PTSD, anxiety and other issues.


Ketamine has a few mechanisms of action, one of them being how it acts on the Default Mode Network (DMN). This network is associated with thoughts about the future, about the self, thinking about ones own life and that of other people for instance. Sometimes people with depression and/or anxiety, PTSD etc. have a rigidity in the DMN which can lead to feelings of being stuck, and find it hard to imagine things being different. Ketamine relaxes the DMN and creates new neural connections in the brain. Shortly after the Ketamine experience there is also a window of neural plasticity which provides a great opportunity to establish different ways of thinking and being.


The combination of psychotherapy alongside use of Ketamine for a determined length of time has been successful promoting and facilitating psychotherapeutic change, including increased insight and deeper emotional processing.

Client Testimonial

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy with Hugh Ransley was an important complement to my other, more traditional, therapy.  Hugh created a safe and supportive space to release myself to the experience of the medicine and was constantly present to assist during the experience, and also available before and after the experience to prepare and process. The therapeutic benefits that I experienced include more empathy for myself and others, improved relationships with my parents and loved ones, enhanced feelings of love and forgiveness, and more clarity about what is important in my life.  The medicine itself has an interesting effect of giving you some separation from your ego and your body, creating an opportunity for self-reflection and learning, and also intention setting. My specific experience was in a small group setting, and while the ketamine experiences were largely individual while under the influence of the medicine, it was valuable to have other people to connect with and collaboratively process what we were experiencing.  Hugh was very good at creating a productive space for both individual and group learning.  I now view ketamine assisted psychotherapy as a useful modality for maintaining good mental health and a positive self image, especially when used with more traditional "talk therapy".

~ A Satisfied KAP Group Session Client


I am motivated to provide access to this valuable medicine and to keep costs as low as possible to clients.


Here’s how the costs will breakdown:

  • $300 Medical Evaluation with my collaborating doctor

  • $50 Prescription cost for the medicine (approx.)

  • $375 for each 3 hour KAP session.

  • $125 for each preparation session (not applicable if already a talk therapy client using insurance)

  • $125 for each integration session (not applicable if you are already a talk therapy client using insurance)


KAP medicine sessions are not covered by insurance and will be an out of pocket expense.

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